Christmas Picnic

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Recently, our centre hosted a Christmas Picnic for all our lovely tamariki and whānau. At Hei Hei, we are big on community involvement and were fortuanate that Hornby Primary School allowed us to use their playground as a venue. 

Kaiako at our centre, prepared yummy desserts such as Jelly, Ice-cream and a Peppermint Crisp which were loved by all. Tamariki had lots of fun participating in a variety of activities and shared kai. Whānau were especially pleased with the Christmas concert performed by our courageous children, who all sang and danced beautifully. 

Our lovely Centre Manager Courtney, took on the huge task of being Mrs Claus and handed out special presents to all our tamariki. Seeing the joy on all of their faces when they received their gifts, was priceless. 

At Hei Hei, our centre is so culturally diverse, we value our whanaungatanga (relationships) and it was so lovely to see all our whānau coming together in one place celebrating the festive season. This just goes to show how much manākitanga (respect) and aroha we have within our centre. 

From the Hei Hei team, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! We hope that 2024 is an exciting year full of love, joy and happiness.