"Come read with me"


The children in the Kakano room (Nursery) have been developing their communication skills through showing enjoyment in songs and stories. To extend this further and deepen our links between home and nursery we invited our children’s older siblings to spend time with us and read stories over the school holidays. 

This supports our philosophy where we value tuakana teina relationships while our children have a great sense of belonging and security in their centre. The children were engaged and listened to the stories with great interest. The older siblings seemed proud to be able to read with their younger sibling and their peers. This was a wonderful way to celebrate our room focus of communication and so cool to see some of our children's older siblings be a part of their learning at nursery. 

Following this we displayed the photos at the children’s level so they could look back on and reflect on there learning. The children would proudly point out their mum, dad and siblings while showing others around them.