Coming together for Matariki Celebration!

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Kia Ora Katoa Matariki is a time when we come together as a community to celebrate with delicious food and appreciate all those around us. At BestStart Baverstock, we were very fortunate to have the Kapahaka team from our local school, Baverstock Oaks Primary School, join us to share their beautiful songs and haka with our children. 

Additionally, we invited our grandparents to our centre to share their wisdom and values with the children and teachers while enjoying some tasty food with their grandchildren. During the celebration, we made friendship soup with vegetables from our parents' garden and pyjama Day with movies.

One of our grandparents shared his woodcraft with our tamariki, passing down the legendary Maori stories and values to our children. This intergenerational learning was a highlight of the event, as grandparents got to see what their grandchildren are doing in our care, meet all the teachers, and build a stronger connection with our community. 

At BestStart Baverstock, we strongly value our connections with our whanau and the wider community, how we collaboratively support our children's holistic learning and incorporate parents' aspirations and values into our curriculum. It takes a village to raise a child.