Community Constable visits Preschool


Wow, what a fantastic visit we had from Constable Jeff from the local New Brighton Police station. 

The tamariki were so excited about this visit; they waited anxiously when they heard he had arrived at the front desk. He was armed with suitcases full of uniforms for tamariki to try on. He introduced himself as he sat down, then asked tamariki if they knew his job; we had some great responses, mainly that " he catches robbers" with a laugh. 

He also showed photos of how the police work with police dogs to find lost people and how they work with fire and ambulance. He asked Tamariki a fundamental question:" What number do you call if you need help? He was impressed so many of our tamariki could recite 111. Then we went into the car park to look at the police car. Fortunately, he let us get in the car, look at the lights, and hear the siren; we had to cover our ears as it was deafening. 

Appreciating his time, we sang our beautiful song " Aroha is love" and presented him with a centre-made thank you card. We had such a great learning opportunity to connect to part of our community