Community links at BestStart Pipiwai Kindy

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Term 2 2024 We have had a wonderful and busy time here at BestStart Pipiwai Kindy over Term 2. We have had a focus around “te aitanga a puanga” - Insects. This has led us on many adventures especially digging around our mud pit to find worms, slaters, beetles, cockroaches, and a variety of insects we are yet to learn about. We have been learning about how ants work together, cicadas are all about taking time and relaxing, and that to grow and develop it is important to release the old. 

Over this term we have had a focus around Matariki, what it means, and how it impacts us personally as well as a community. As part of our ongoing thread of Sustainability through our EnviroSchools kaupapa we held a whanau evening where we planted along our awa, enjoyed some yummy soup and star cookies that were made with our tamariki. Part of this event included BestStart Pipiwai Road and their whanau who also helped us plant and had kai as a whanau afterwards. 

Thanks to PlantPro who continue to support us in all we do in relation to planting, caring for our awa and anything to do with plant support. Now it is the school holidays and we have been having a blast with our School Holdiay Programme. Each day of the holidays is themed, ranging from dress up days, wheels day with tamariki bringing bikes from home for the day, to slime day and movie/PJ day complete with apple pie and ice cream as a treat. 

Looking ahead we are beginning a new focus around transport/engineering and all things connected as our tamariki are mad about trucks, moving items from one end of the playground to the other and rolling everything they possibly can. Coming up on the Kindy calendar is our Olympics event with teams, sporting events and prizes. We have an open door policy so if you are interested in finding out more of who we are and what we are about come on down.