Creating with playdough

Creating with playdough

Playdough is a versatile material that allows children to express themselves creatively while also developing important skill sets. When children squish, roll, sculpt, and mould playdough, they are strengthening the small muscles in their fingers and hands, which will later help them to hold and control writing tools like pencils and crayons. This is why playdough is a popular at BestStart Puni Road, as it can be used to aid children in their physical development.

However, playdough also has benefits that extend beyond physical development. It can also promote children's language and literacy skills, as they engage in conversations with their peers and teachers while playing. They may use descriptive language to talk about the shapes and creations they are making, expanding their vocabulary and communication skills. Additionally, playing with playdough can encourage children to learn basic math concepts such as counting, measuring, and comparing sizes.

Moreover, playdough is an excellent sensory activity that provides children with a sense of comfort and security. It is a material that can be manipulated in a variety of ways, and children can experiment with different textures, colours, and scents. As highlighted by Te Whariki (2017), playdough is a safe and soothing material that allows children to engage in sensory play without the fear of making mistakes or getting it wrong.

Incorporating different scents into playdough can also offer additional sensory stimulation, as well as introducing children to new and interesting smells. The infusion of passion fruit tea into the yellow playdough not only adds a pleasant fragrance but also provides a unique sensory experience for the children. It invites them to explore and discover new scents, making the playdough experience even more engaging and enjoyable for them.

Overall, playdough is a valuable learning tool that promotes creativity, fine motor skills, language and literacy, science, and math skills in children. By offering playdough as a regular activity, teachers and parents can facilitate children's growth and development in a fun and stimulating way.

For more information about the learning and development that happens with playdough click here.