Dye Art

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Our tamariki absolutely love art! On this occasion, we decided to use dye, droppers, and big pieces of cardboard. The droppers created unique patterns across the cardboard and everybody had their own special way of doing it. 

Some tamariki chose to drop the dye from a height, standing up, which created a splattered effect. Others wanted to be as close as possible to the cardboard, making sure the dye was being placed exactly how they wanted. Experimenting, collaborating, thinking, and being expressive were evident in this experience. 

We now have them beautifully displayed in our preschool room for our tamariki to look at and show off, feeling empowered and proud! We'll regularly get requests from the tamariki asking to put their artwork on the wall because they love knowing their whānau and friends will see it when they're here. 

At BestStart Puni Road our tamariki not only love art but also love getting messy. They aren't worried about getting messy clothes or hands, especially when they are immersed in something they feel passionate about. We have a child-led philosophy so we follow their interests and allow them to choose their play while offering resources that create new or different pathways during their learning.