Exploring Through Loose Parts Play

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We are excited to have opened our Toitoi room in January 2024, as a learning space focussed on getting 'set for school'. We have been going on a loose parts journey with the tamariki through recreating our nature space with natural and recycled resources, such as wooden sticks, shells, stones, and bottle tops. 

We were excited with the responses from the tamariki, with so much engagement and ideas flowing, it was a wonderful opportunity for them to be responsible for and direct their learning path. Provoking them to have agency over their learnings. As this new interest started to emerge, the team was supportive of providing more loose parts to extend their thinking. 

We have gathered and set up some large loose parts materials for outside and we have seen wonderful engagement such as creating, cars, seesaws, slides, and water tunnels. We have found with loose parts play the tamariki's imagination was sparked and the possibilities of learning were endless. 

Loose parts play incorporates using a variety of open-ended resources that do have not one intended purpose, these experiences provoke the tamariki to learn, think, and stretch their imagination. We are loving this new learning journey together we are learning and growing our loose parts knowledge, while the tamariki explore exciting new learning experiences daily.