Healthy Heart Award

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Last week we were so excited to receive the renewal of our Pā Harakeke (Gold) Healthy Heart Award! Here at BestStart Buchanans Road we have held our Gold Healthy Heart Award for many years and it is always exciting to have it renewed. 

To show that we are meeting all the criteria, not only do we need to have a healthy menu for our tamariki for their morning and afternoon teas that we provide, we also need to have a number of policies and procedures that support not only healthy eating but also healthy bodies too through active movement. Alongside these we are able to provide resources and learning opportunities for our centre whānau to support their knowledge as well. 

Laura from Healthy Heart came into the centre to present us with our award. We all gathered together in the toddler room and Laura did a mat time for all of our tamariki and then presented our award to us. 

Ngā tamariki loved listening to Laura's mat time and then especially loved the Healthy Heart stamps that she gave everyone. We have proudly hung our award up on the wall for everyone to see!