MATARIKI Honouring the Past and Celebrating the Future Matariki is a celebration that connects people across Aotearoa, beginning in hōtoke/winter and signalling the arrival of the Māori New Year with the rising of the Matariki star cluster.
At Beststart Riverbend it is a time to come together with our centre whānau and share kai, conversation, enjoy music and waiata, all while our kaiako and tamariki celebrate their learning. We ask our whānau to share their values, culture and aspirations for the future with us so that we can weave these into our curriculum and priorities for learners.
This year we setup a DISCO and Art Exhibition to showcase the variety of materials and methods our tamariki use to demonstrate their creativity and express their ideas. Tamariki are able to experience the stories and symbols of their own and other cultures as we plan learning that deepens and broadens their understanding of the Nine Stars of Matariki (Communication | Mana Reo). Overall, it was a fun evening had by all and we look forward to being able to celebrate more cultural and centre events with our whānau throughout the year.