Korikori wai, exploration of water

11 October, 2024
BestStart Rangiora
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Exploring BestStart’s 16 Areas of play is a true passion of ours here at BestStart Rangiora. An area our under two pēpi and tamariki are eager to explore is water play. 

Water play enhances our curiosity and learning as it supports tamariki to gain social skills through interacting with their peers and teachers, develop concepts of science and math, including cause and effect, measuring, tipping, and pouring. Today we explored water play by creating a group sensory experience with soapy water. 

We allow the tamariki to be part of the experience as we mix the soap into the water and observe how it creates bubbles. They watch and begin exploring with delight, noticing the different textures as well as different temperatures (warm, cool, cold). As the water moves between their fingers, we begin talking about what is happening and what we are noticing, encouraging our tamariki to do the same. 

To further extend our learning, we choose resources that allow them to splash, scoop, pour, submerge and explore their senses. This is a challenge that allows for problem solving and working together. Water play excites and sparks curiosity for our learners. It encourages tuakana-teina relationships to blossom, concentration, and motor skills to be developed, allows us to work together, problem solve and most importantly, have fun. 

Join us at BestStart Rangiora where messy play is loved and valued by not only our tamariki but our kaiako and Whānau too.

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