Learning to be Kaitiaki

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Here at Home of the Brave we empower our tamariki to be kaitiaki (guardians) of our taiao (environment). As our tamariki found a praying mantis, they called me over to have a look as he was on the concrete. Jahson told all his friends not to touch because we have to be kaitiaki. We talked about what being a kaitiaki looks like. Some of the comments were 'being gentle', 'look after him', and 'help him get home'. We then talked about where his home was, and how we could get him there. 'He lives in the mara (garden)' replied one tamaiti. I was told I could take him if I was gentle back to the mara. 

As I picked him up and we looked at his tinana (body) we talked about what parts of his body we could see and what they were called. As we made our way to take him home, Hudson shared with his friends 'we need to take him home to be a kaitiaki in the mara'. I asked who is the atua that is the kaitiaki of our praying mantis, there was a chorus of Tane Mahuta back. We returned our new friend home. Rawe ngaa ringa manaaki o ngaa tamariki, great caring hands of our tamariki. Our tamariki are deepening their understanding of being a kaitiaki, and the place this has in their lives alongside our atua. I am looking forward to further koorero about the kaitiaki in our garden, and how this links back to our tamariki.