Light Board Fun!

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In Hei Tiki, we have got some new resources to use on the light table. Our tamariki are enjoying the coloured blocks and the eyeglasses which are like a kaleidoscope. They like to look through them and some of the tamariki said "There are heaps of you",
"it is sparkling", and "I love the colours". 

They can see the visual disturbance through them and how the colours seem to bend. They like to stack the coloured blocks up like towers and line them up like caterpillars and snakes. When we look through the blocks at eye level the blocks look like they have split into 4 different segments. 

The tamariki could not figure that out very easily but some of them thought maybe it was a trick. Maybe it is a trick by the light? We have taught our tamariki to respect our new rauemi and treat them like taonga because if we do not look after our things then we will not be able to use them. Our tamariki have done a great job taking care of our rauemi and they take responsibility as a whole class to do this. 

Ka pai to mahi!