Making Connections at BestStart Maunu Village


Our portfolio books are such an important part of our sense of belonging and learning in the Kiwi room. A child brings their portfolio book with them as they transition rooms, and this means they can form sense of belonging from the start as tamariki enjoy looking through their portfolio and kaiako (and their peers) can sit with them and look through their previous experiences forming connections straightaway and giving kaiako further insight into their interests and friendships.

Tamariki will engage on their own with their portfolio looking through and remembering past activities and experiences. Other times they engage with others, talking about shared experiences and pointing out each other (and other peers). These experiences help secure their sense of belonging and their connection to people, places and things. It also helps build a child's ability to story tell and recall. 

There is always so much laughter and happiness when the tamariki are gathered around their portfolios, their faces truly light up. One of the most special things about our portfolio is they stay with the child for life. We hear from families with older children how they still look through them and how special they are. Come join us in thr Kiwi room and start your own special book all about you.