"Learning and Teaching Come Alive Visible" learning in this context refers to making teaching visible to our children as well so that children learn to become their own teachers, an important component of becoming lifelong learners, something we want our children to value.
Providing children a space to play an active role in their learning and be able to recognise it as a continuous cycle of learning and teaching. Mila starts singing “on the mat on the mat, sit on the mat” as children sit down on the mat.
Mila then asks, “Shall we sing ABCs loud?”
Harper responds, “Teacher, we will wake our friends sleeping”
Mila then replies, “Okay, sing ABC in whispers” and all the children whisper their ABCs.
Mila: “Can everyone show me their sad faces”
Harper: “Like this everyone” and does a crying face.
Mila: “Now everyone show me your grumpy faces”
Oakley: “Grrrr” and does a grumpy face.
Mila: “Good work everyone, shall we sing, twinkle twinkle? “Remember to sing with your beautiful voices, not your loud ones” -
All the children sing Twinkle Twinkle copying Mila's movements. To see children's learning come alive is imperative for teachers to see, so teachers can know whether they are having an impact on children's learning and honour and invite children's curiosity.