Matariki Art Exhibition!

15 July, 2024
BestStart Botany Junction
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We were thrilled to showcase an amazing Art exhibition at Beststart Botany junction on this Matariki celebration. Tamariki loved to make their master pieces based on the theme " Valuing Treasures from our Papatuanuku". 

A Matariki evening that took a huge love and appreciation from our Whanau's active engagement to acknowledge our young artists. We embarked this learning journey from collecting the natural resources from our Community and the local walks. Fallen leaves, shells, sand, reeds and much more--all contributed in our tamariki's art works. 

These were some of the ways when we had the learning opportunities to talk about Matariki- And what it is about, and the the different ways people celebrate it. Our young artists loved to make their beautiful art impressions with their deep feelings hidden in it. Kaiako supported and became part of their lovely art pieces and the presentations. 

Our tamariki felt so proud for their art pieces given so much love and the importance. We will be displaying out more Matariki celebration pictures that shows our tamariki's learning and enthusiasm in acknowledging this big cultural event including the new Māori songs and the legesnds we explored on this Matariki. Ka kite Ano!!!..

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