Matariki Celebration

19 July, 2024
BestStart Rangiora
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At BestStart Rangiora, Matariki is a very special occasion we look forward to celebrating every year.

Matariki marks the start of the Māori new year, it is a time to reflect, to be thankful, to feast and to share the bounty of the harvest with family and friends. A lot of planning and preparation goes into hosting an event such as Matariki. We love empowering our tamaiti to be apart process. 

Our whānau brought in vegetables that both the children and kaiako prepared together. These were used to make our delicious soup. We also had mat times for our oldest tamaiti about why we celebrate Matariki. A concert was performed and we shared some of our favourite waiata all about Matariki. Our friends beamed with pride during their performance. 

We then enjoyed our soup and had time to reflect with our whānau on the great year we have had. We are so grateful to work with one another and support lovely tamariki and their whānau too. Events like this are what makes BestStart Rangiora feel so special. Our environment is welcoming and truly relates to our centre vision "Where Relationships Thrive". Come and join us at BestStart Rangiora.

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