​Matariki Celebration at Best Start Great North Road

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Celebrating Matariki at our preschool is a magical time filled with joy, learning, and cultural appreciation. Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a special event that marks the rising of the Pleiades star cluster, signaling a time for new beginnings, reflection, and connection with nature. 

To honor this occasion, we engage the children in various activities that embrace the essence of Matariki. We start with storytelling sessions, where we share the legends of Matariki and its significance. The children listen with wide eyes, captivated by the tales of the seven stars and their role in the Māori culture. 

Art and craft activities are a highlight. The children create beautiful star-themed artwork using glitter, paint, and natural materials. They make star mobiles and lanterns, which we hang around the daycare, creating a festive atmosphere. We also have a communal planting activity, teaching the children about the importance of sustainability and the tradition of planting new crops during Matariki. We incorporate traditional Māori songs and dances, encouraging the children to express themselves through music and movement. These activities not only celebrate Matariki but also help the children develop a deeper understanding and respect for the Māori culture. 

Our Matariki celebration is a time of unity, learning, and joy, leaving lasting memories for the children and staff alike. Our Tamariki are learning about different cultures and celebrations that are important to Aoteroa culture. It allows our preschoolers to learn more about their Kiwi heritage and understand the broader view. Matariki is an important cultural event for New Zealanders. Matariki begins around June / July each year and is an essential cultural celebration in Aoteroa. 

Through this identity, our preschoolers are learning the cultural significance. We present to our Pohutukawa friends the 9 stars along with the song called Waiti, Waiata........ They are also learning Maori culture and its beliefs, and values.