Namaste from BestStart Inglewood!

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Namaste! Not a common word you would hear in the ECE setting, but one that you will hear regularly from our tamariki at BestStart Inglewood. This is because over the past few months our tamariki have been engaged in weekly 45-minute yoga and mindfulness excursions with Stacie from Yogi Kids Taranaki. 

Each excursion encompasses a theme such as kai, animals, space, and rainbows where our tamariki get to go on a journey of fun and exploration combining learning, transformation, movement, thought, imagination, and breathing. Whilst each session is different they are all fun-filled and challenge our tamariki to be the best version of themselves. 

Yoga and mindfulness support our tamariki in developing strength and flexibility, increasing body awareness, brain function, concentration, and balance. It also helps to keep our minds healthy, happy, and relaxed, giving our tamariki extra tools in their kete to support a calm body and mind. 

Our tamariki love the challenge that their yoga classes bring and can't wait to share with mum, dad, siblings, and whānau their new poses learnt, games, and breathing techniques when they get home. We hope you will join us on our next yoga journey. 

Namaste from BestStart Inglewood!