Nurturing our babies at BestStart Herewini Street

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At BestStart Herewini Street, we have a wonderful space for our babies to flourish and thrive as they develop and learn through play. Our Under 2's environment is influenced by the philosophy of Emmi Pikler which places emphasis on the approaches of gentle guidance, respectful practice, and free movement. 

Respect and choices are key principles. Our pepi enjoy unhindered movement, a texture-rich environment, and furniture that is suited to their age and height. They love to delve into woven baskets filled with sensory treasures such as small wooden blocks, plush animals, fabrics, and wooden hoops and rings. 

"If we give children enough space and possibilities for free movement, they will move nimbly, simply, confidently and naturally", Emi Pikler describes. Kaiako ensures the environment is calm and prioritises unhurried time and one-on-one moments that allow babies to bond and feel special during their time with us. Our youngest tamariki are given space and opportunity to roll, creep, sit, stand and when they are ready, to walk. They learn to be interested and curious, to try out and experiment, and as they do so they experience the joy and satisfaction of mastering a new skill. 

"Poipoia te kakano, Kia puawai. Nurture the seed and it will blossom" - Maori Whakatauki.