Our Brand New Playground at Beststart Puni Road!

5 April, 2024
BestStart Puni Road
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Here at Beststart Puni Road we are so lucky to have had an amazing playground upgrade. The playground took six weeks to complete, but it has been worth the wait seeing how happy our tamariki were on the first day they could play and explore on it. 

The children love having their own bike track which circles around the playground. Kaumātua Roberit from the local iwi came and blessed our playground. It was a very special moment for our tamariki and Kaiako. Our tamariki were so respectful during the blessing. Kaumātua recited a karakia before doing a waereu for protection and safety over our playground. 

As a team, we walked behind Kaumātuaa when he was doing the blessing and then it was time to have fun, play, and explore. We loved hearing the beautiful sounds of giggles and laughter. We also held an open day to show our wonderful community what we can offer. 

We based the open day around our philosophy, "little people, growing roots, happy hearts, sandy boots". It was amazing to see our themed open day based around gumboots. Everyone had a great time.

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