Our nest for little ones!

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It's been such a busy time for our little ones! We've had so many of them reaching new milestones, from rolling and crawling to pulling themselves up. Ka pai to mahi! Enhancing our tamariki physical activities will contribute to the development of their muscle strength, coordination, gross motor skills, and the ability to cross the midline - these are all very important steps to master in their development before moving on to the next stage. 

Te Whariki states "that through gaining confidence and control of their bodies, this allows our tamariki to challenge themselves physically" The soft block play areas have been arranged to motivate our tamariki to hoist themselves onto the blocks, move the blocks across the room to develop their balancing skills while mastering the art of climbing. The learning environment is always arranged to promote unrestricted movement for the current age and stages of our tamariki, enabling them to navigate their learning space freely and reach their desired destination however takes their fancy at that time, whether it be rolling over the soft blocks and pushing the soft blocks to where they want to go. The tamariki enjoy the freedom which facilitates the children's independent development at their own pace.