In our Bambini room (for two year olds), we understand that each child is an individual who learns at their own pace. Our Bambini tamariki/children are encouraged to actively participate with the support and of their kaiako (teacher).
We encourage independence and respect by giving our tamariki the freedom to choose what they want to play with, in a safe and nurturing envionment. Every day, the tamarki engage in a variety of experiences that support their growing independence.
These experiences are centered around building relationships with others through learning to share, take turns and developing language skills. Alongside developing social skills, in Montessori, we honour tamariki's wishes when they want to play on their own. As this photo demonstrates, in the Bambini classroom, young tamariki are able to choose to do something by themselves, giving them the opportunity to build focus and concentration. Several minutse later, they will be on the move again, having lots of opportunities to be active and social.
Every day we support them to explore their creativity through art, music and movement and imaginative play. We are passionate committed kaiako who choose to support and guide this age group of children to empower them to be independent, competent and confident individuals.