Here at BestStart Kamo Central we celebrated Pink Shirt Day this week. Pink Shirt Day is about working together to stop bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusiveness.
With this in mind we set ourselves a few goals to achieve through out the week. The first goal was for our tamariki to learn that the words we choose to use can hurt others. We read books that talked about using kind words where the tamariki had to hear a phrase and choose if it would hurt or heal.
Their challenge for the week was to show kindness to each other and focus on only using kind words or phrases. If this challenge was achieve they would be rewarded with a fun day of their choosing. We were so proud of our amazing tamariki as they achieved this with ease and choose to have a pajama, teddy bear, movie day as their reward. Our second goal this week was for our kaiako to role model through random acts of kindness within our centre community. We gifted crochet flowers made by Karyn one of our amazing kaiako to Lee who works for driving miss daisy.
The service they provide supports a lot of people within our community. We gifted chocolates to our local coffee man who comes to the centre one day a week. Lastly earlier this week we had a massive house fire a few doors down from us, we could see all the smoke and the flames from our classroom. This made a few of our tamariki worry about our safety. However, we are lucky enough to have an amazing team of heroes at the fire station across the road who kept us safe and worked hard to put out the fire. We appreciate all their hard work and invited them to our centre to say thank you for keeping us safe and gifted them with hand made cards and morning tea treats.