Plunket Appeal Week at BestStart Whangaparaoa

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Plunket Appeal Week is always one of our favourite times of year here at BestStart Whangaparaoa. We get to involve the children and staff in having lots of fun and raising money for a great cause. This year we put together a hamper of goodies and sold raffle tickets, while also hosting different themed days over the week; a Blue Dress-Up Day, Blue Messy Play Day, then rounding the week off with the drawing of our raffle and the baking and decorating of biscuits, which were available for our families to purchase. 

The biscuits were a fan favourite for the Tamariki, with the children so proud to show off (and devour) their beautiful creations. Our families (and staff) loved the new digital platform with the option to donate online, and it brought our competitive side out being able to see where we were sitting on the BestStart leaderboard ;) We had some very generous donations and reached a milestone of $690.70 for Plunket. 

We look forward to next year's Annual Appeal and look forward to brainstorming ways to fundraise more money, while also getting the Community involved.