Reuben the Road Safety Bear at BestStart Lakeside Village

5 April, 2024
BestStart Lakeside Village
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Ruben/Rūpene and his team of presenters travel around the Waikato Region teaching children road safety tips at kohanga reo, kura kaupapa, preschools, schools and events with a road safety aspect.

Ruben the Road Safety Bear, who is also known as Rupene te Pea Haumaru Huarahi, visited our centre last November in 2023. 

Ruben gets a buzz in his fuzz from helping children learn about keeping safe around roads and traffic. Together with his team, they travel around the Waikato Region teaching tamariki road safety tips which includes 

  • Wearing your helmet on right and tight (everytime you ride your bike or scooter)
  • Stop, Look, Listen and Link (while choosing the safest place to cross the road)
  • Look out for sneaky driveways (it is safest to play in outdoor areas that are fences ad away from driveways and vehicles)
  • Seat yourself right buckle in tight (it's safest to use a booster seat until you're at least 148 cm tall)
  • Be bright dress bright (when wearing bright colours you are more noticeable to other road users)

The safety of our children is one of our priorities here at BestStart Lakeside Village. Thank you, Ruben and your team for coming to our centre and teaching our children about road safety.

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