Revisiting our Learning

7 June, 2024
BestStart Totara Street
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At BestStart Totara Street our tamariki's profile books are always in easy reach for them to stop and revisit their learning.

Their own personal profile book allows a sense of ownership and the tamariki are always keen to engage by exercising the choice to revisit their learning, either alone, with their peers or a kaiako.

Although everything documented is available online for parents and whānau to view and contribute, there is true value in having hard copies available to our tamariki. The paper copies in the centre have the power to support and construct the direction of the childrens interests. Kaiako can re visit the previous learning experiences as a prompt and enables a conversation about what might come next, further contributing to their learning. StoryPark, where the online portfolios are held, is a great bridge to connect between home life and their centre life, prompting whānau engagement from important people in their life, even over seas. 

Our children are often seen sitting on the mat, looking at their own books and also each others talking about what was happening at the time. At the end of their learning journey in an ECE setting, the profile books head home with the whānau as evidence of their learning and growth, often more than 1 book for them to treasure and reflect on for years to come.

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