Sea Week Learning 2024

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We recently marked New Zealand Sea Week, emphasizing the importance of building connections with our oceans. Our tamariki have been interested in water play and the sea from the beginning of the school year, which has led to conversations about the sea and the various kinds of marine life that inhabit the oceans. 

It was amazing to learn about the variety of fish, animals, kai moana, and sea life that inhabit both our local sea and the oceans worldwide from our tamariki. We also read the book “Tamure and the Taniwha” a Māori pūkapuka about a giant (Tamure) who helped stop a taniwha from causing disruptions towards the people on the land and in the sea. Reading this pukapuka to our tamariki helped them understand the world around them through a Māori lens and understand how the beaches became peaceful and safe for us to explore. 

Tamariki actively participated, using their senses to investigate and interpret their surroundings. This encounter improved their comprehension of marine life and aided in the development of their working theories. We also had Project Jonah coming through kaiako initiative, also taught the tamariki how to be responsible for all sea creatures as well as taking part in caring for this place. Kaiako are happy with the co-construction strategy used as it meant working together with tamariki in finding information and making sense of the learning that was happening.