Sensory Fun = Learning


When children are born, their senses aren’t fully developed. They only mature over time as babies, toddlers, and preschoolers explore the sensory world around them. Each new experience they have with a different sense builds nerve connections that grow the architecture of their brain. Here at BestStart Pyes Pa, we make sensory learning a daily part of our experiences. 

Our tamariki love exploring these messy provocations, and our kaiako love the learning opportunities that they provide. Messy play scaffolds the development of oral language and thinking skills as children use their senses to make sense of the world around them and teachers respond to their discoveries. Gloop is always a favourite, especially with the infants and toddlers who often engage in full body exploration and taste testing - all of our messy play experiences are safe for children to use. 

Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. It also provides opportunities for social skill development as children play with and alongside their peers. It helps to build nerve connections in the brain and encourages the development of language and motor skills. There are many benefits that may go unnoticed, such as the development of abilities to focus and block out distractions. 

Perhaps most importantly, sensory learning is fun, and as we all know, the more fun something is, the more likely we are to want to revisit the experience. We believe that early childhood should be a magical time of adventure and learning and that's why we ensure that our tamariki get to enjoy fun learning experiences during their time here with us!