Set for School Program for our Preschoolers

10 June, 2024
BestStart Kenderdine Road
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At BestStart Kenderdine , one of the focus areas for the center is on Set for School program for our 3- 5 year old children. As our Vision states " Seeing the world through their Eyes" we have incorporated the six Set for school Focuses through the teaching and learning.

In Tui and Kea Room, we provide meaningful and intentional opportunities for our tamariki to explore early literacy, Numeracy and Mathematical skills which provided them a platform to express, investigate, and explore their working theories through a variety of experiences. 

To foster tamariki interest , our kaiako plan acitivties around the 16 areas of play which cater for the holistic development for the tamariki . Reading books enhances children's literacy , communication and vocabulary skills , Science and nature provided children opportunites to explore, problem solve , investigate to develop a curious and creative minds .Regualar physical and spiritual development support eye hand coordination , fine and gross motor skills and gain confidence. We also work in partnership with our whānau to particpate in their childrens' leanring through parent evenings which support parent to prepare their children for school.

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