Summer Olympics in Winter


How exciting that we get to experience the summer Olympics this year! We have been exploring this event across the centre by trialing different sports, participating in craft activities and watching the games on screen. The Olympics can teach us a lot- from experiencing the physical challenges and excitement of competing, to supporting inclusivity and developing respect for different cultures and abilities. 

  • Wellbeing (Mana Atua): Engaging in physical activities related to the Olympics can enhance physical health and emotional wellbeing. Tamariki are supported to develop a sense of personal worth and cultural identity and to be involved. 
  • Belonging (Mana Whenua): Learning about the Olympcis supports tamariki to understand and appreciate cultural diversity. We are exploring different countries, flags, and cultural practices associated with the games, which fosters a sense of belonging and respect for different cultures. 
  • Contribution (Mana Tangata): By participating in group activities and games, tamariki are learning about teamwork and cooperation. Tamariki are learning to share, take turns, and support each other. 
  • Communication (Mana Reo): While wacthing the Olympics, tamariki are encouraged to talk about what they see, describe actions, and share their ideas and feelings about the activities. 
  • Exploration (Mana Aoturoa): Tamariki are encouraged to use all of their senses and physical abilities to make sense of the world. There are opportunities to develop control over their bodies, including locomotor and movement skills, agility and balance, and the ability, coordination and confidence to use their bodies to take risks and physical challenges.