Sustainability at BestStart Te Whariki

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Fostering a love for the environment and promoting sustainability is important to us at BestStart Te Whāriki. Involving children in sustainability practice is beneficial as it supports their learning about the importance of protecting the environment. Here at BestStart Te Whāriki, we have been developing our sustainability practices and one of our planned activities has been to grow our own veggies. Children were given the opportunity to plant seeds that they could take home and grow with the help of their parents. 

Our nursery children participated in the entire process from scooping dirt into the little cups, sowing seeds in each of their cups and then watering them with the help of the teachers. They have taken them home and we are looking for to seeing what they can grow with their families support. This experience will help to develop a positive relationship with taiao (natural world). 

As a centre we have been working on other initiatives including minimising waste, using recycled paper, avoiding usage of paper towels, recycling soft plastic, worm farm, utilising available produce and sharing fruit and vegetable excess in our community Pataka kai. By involving children in these activities, they develop a deeper understanding about caring for their environment and learn practical ways to contribute to a sustainable future.