The Benefits of Outdoor Play

At Best Start Styx Mill, we believe in the transformative power of outdoor play for our tamariki. The outdoors offers a dynamic environment that fosters physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Outdoor play encourages active movement, helping children develop strong muscles, balance, and coordination. Activities like running, climbing, and exploring natural landscapes promote physical health in ways that indoor play cannot match. 

The natural world is a rich source of learning. Outdoor experiences spark curiosity, enhance problem-solving skills, and encourage critical thinking. Outdoor play supports social interactions and emotional growth. In open spaces, children collaborate, share ideas, and develop essential social skills like cooperation and empathy. Additionally, time spent in nature has a calming effect, fostering emotional resilience. 

We value nurturing a strong connection to nature in our tamariki. Regular outdoor play fosters respect and appreciation for the environment, laying the foundation for responsible stewardship of our planet. At Best Start Styx Mill, we are committed to providing children with regular access to outdoor play. Our thoughtfully designed, large outdoor spaces offer a safe and stimulating environment where children can explore, learn, and grow. 

By embracing the outdoors, we help our tamariki become resilient, confident, and well-rounded individuals.