The solar system learning

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Following our vibrant Matariki celebration, the tamariki exhibited curiosity about the stars, revealing a budding passion for the cosmos. To nurture this newfound interest, we made a comprehensive curriculum for the previous term, centered around the solar system. 

Before embarking on this cosmic journey, our teachers researched, ensuring the lessons would be both engaging and informative. Mat-time became a hub of interstellar exploration, where the children eagerly dived into the mysteries of the eight planets. Each Friday, to reinforce their knowledge and encourage retention, teachers set up quiz challenges, turning learning into an exciting competition. It has been a joy to witness the tamariki's enthusiasm. 

But our curriculum wasn't just about the planets. We integrated essential skills like literacy and numeracy. Through creative activities like matching games and crafting illustrative posts and models, the children mastered the sequence and unique characteristics of each planet. Their creations and imagination have empressed both teachers and parents. Beyond classroom learning, we believed in fostering an independent spirit of inquiry. 

We steered the tamariki towards conducting their own research. A visit to the recently inaugurated local library not only opened up a world of literature on planets for them but also deepened their connection to the broader community.