Tongan Language Week

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Tongan language week begins, with the flying of the Tongan flag and crafting our own to wave! We glued together some white squares and red crosses, to create our own mini flags. When they dried we added a straw stick, and we were ready for our opening parade. We played the Tongan National anthem, and walked around the playground with our flags flying, then took turns holding the big flag and letting it flap in the breeze. It was quite heavy to manage, so we needed to hold on with both hands, and sometimes the wind blew it into a tangle! 

The flag is a very special symbol for the country of Tonga, created in 1862 by Prince Uelingatoni Ngu Tupoumalohi, symbolizing their Christian faith and purity. Learning about Tonga and their nation helps us to learn and grow in Mana Whenua- Belonging, and Mana Reo- Communication. Connecting links with the wider world around us, and extending our understanding and knowledge of people and places. Learning to recognize symbols and languages of other cultures alongside our own... Learning to embrace, accept, enjoy, and see beauty in others' customs and cultures. Malie, tamaiki! Awesome, children!