Transition to School Excursions

BestStart Wigram
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Here at BestStart Wigram, we are very fortunate to have plenty of opportunities to get out and explore our local area.

We are very committed to finding ways to include our akonga on developing connections to their community and place within it. A regular trip that we take each term is to our local Primary School. 

This is a trip that our tamariki are always very excited to attend and spend weeks discussing before we go. We aim to walk down to the school in a group a few times each term and offer the tamariki with an experience that supports their transition to School process. 

When we arrive, some of the lovely teachers come out and meet us before inviting the tamariki to get involved in the learning. We spend time becoming more familiar of the rhythms of Primary School, being a part of their learning, exploring the environments, joining in with mat times, lining up and heading to the outside playground, meeting the teachers and joining in with morning tea. 

This excursion is especially lovely as the tamariki are able to reconnect with friends who have recently moved on to Primary School. This supports the new transitioners in feeling more confident in knowing some familiar faces. We often have a few tour guides: previous tamariki from the centre excited to show us their new learning.

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