Tuwharetoa Kapahaka Performance

11 October, 2024
BestStart Totara Street
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September is a busy time for us here at Totara Street as we perform in the annual Taiopenga Tuwharetoa Schools Kapahaka Festival. This is held at the local AC Baths and is run by the Tuwharetoa Iwi. Many ECE, Primary, Intermediate and High Schools join in. 

The children and their Kaiako practice and practice during the 4-6 weeks prior to the day. We chose 5 songs to sing in Te Reo Māori, all with actions to match: - Head, Shoulders, knees and toes - Kai Moana - Train Song - Tohora Nui - Waiti, Waitā - the Matariki Song The best part of the day is that they get to travel on the bus and then perform for their whānau and the local community. Seeing whānau watching them brings joy to the tamariki and pride for their whānau.

Participating in this experience is a wonderful way for the children to engage in local cultural events, see the wider world and learn about Tuwharetoa and their values. Creating connections and challenging themselves in a big venue - it takes confidence to get up on stage!! Singing is a wonderful way to expand children's oral language, enhance their memory skills and support each other by working together.

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