Volcano Magic

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During the school holidays we had a great day taking part in science day, our lovely centre manager Bri, made a volcano with the children out of clay, in the morning our tamariki had to work together using teamwork and communication to build it by making sure it didn’t have any holes in it by collaborating together around the table to find the areas needing work so there wasn’t any opportunity where the lava could escape except out the top. 

In the afternoon once the volcano had dried and the last finishing touches had been made, the children were able to get involved and take the lead with making the volcano explode with baking soda and vinegar. This brought out so much excitement as they used the syringe filled with red liquid and added it into the middle of the volcano creating large explosions of lava. 

Excited exclaims of “VOLCANO” were made and ‘whoa that’s lava” made our science day even more enjoyable. We love inspiring learning and fun and building a greater sense of curiosity asking the bigger questions like how and why! School holidays are a great way for us to focus on specific areas of play for a whole day