Want to be a builder?

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Carpentry play and activities can offer rich, diverse and exciting opportunities for skill development for young Tamariki. 

 It is not about how pretty or how perfect a child can make their unique creation. The process, not the product is more important. It is about learning how to handle tools properly. Also, they learn hand/eye coordination, problem-solving, sharing, exchanging ideas, cooperating, socializing and sense of pride and achievement.

 Carpentry gives Tamariki an opportunity to build what they are interested in and thereby developing and practising a wide range of skills.

  • Gain increasing control over their bodies through the development of hand-eye coordination, manipulative skills and muscular strength
  • Analyse, evaluate and apply solutions to problems and to develop their understanding of technology
  • Develop mathematical and scientific skills, e.g. understanding of length, size, balance, and force. Children learn to observe, predict and experiment. 
  • Express their creativity in a three-dimensional way
  • Learn to share and cooperate as they work together with the materials.

Carpentry also increases Tamariki’s language development skills as they learn names for the tools and the processes. Creative expression allows Tamariki to design, think of, and follow a task through to completion, giving them a sense of pride and achievement through autonomy and self-esteem. 

If you would like to know more come and see what each classroom does for carpentry play!