Water play and solar power!

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Our tamariki were thrilled to test out, our new water resources. We had bought a new set for our water play experiences that included a working fountain, lily pads and little frogs. We set it up with some beautiful shimmery blue paint in the water; to create our own pond experience that was very peaceful looking but very quickly turned into loud excitement! 

What fun we had using the lily pads to try and stop the water from the fountain. As the blue water from the fountain showered all over us creating squeals of delight and excitement, You all thought it was hilarious. We even talked about how the fountain uses solar power to work and gave you a demonstration. 

Our tamariki had a go each to turn the fountain on and off by blocking the sun from the panel. We were so impressed with your patience as you all waited for a turn, collaborating and communicating with each over the discovery of solar power and we could see it really ignited your curiosity! Our tamariki liked engaging in this water activity with their friends and what an exciting way for you to learn about the science of solar energy.