Whanaungatanga and Relationships at BestStart Maich Road


Whanaungatanga means a lot to us at BestStart Maich Road as we value relationships formed here when you walk through our door. We develop strong relationships with our whānau by recognising and responding to the aspirations they have for their children. We believe in strengthening our multicultural community by recognising and celebrating the culture, language, and identity of our Tamariki and Whānau. 

We love what we do at BestStart Maich Road and we establish an enthusiastic and competent team of teachers, supporting them to meet their potential and love what they do. Kaiako create a shared understanding and responsibility for the centre goals, culture, success, and continually striving to improve practices. 

Our environment is an engaging safe place for children to experiment and extend their interests, supported by exciting provocations for child-directed play. Our centre is well-resourced, meeting the learning needs of all children. We have inspiring Kaiako and are always happy to support you and your child's needs. We make an effort to reach out to you if you are in difficulty and need support. Kaiako are well trained with a wealth of knowledge to ensure our tamariki are given adequate learning, care, and are supported with their development while being kept safe.