‚ÄãWorking on our social skills at BestStart Raureka

21 June, 2024
BestStart Raureka
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Ngā tamariki in Ngā Tipu (under 2 year olds) have been doing lots of exploring and playing together.

This is developing the beginnings of life long social skills, such as turn taking, sharing and beginning to explore play in a more social settling. As we have had lots of tamariki start in Ngā Tipu so far this year, it’s great to see little friendships and short social games forming. 


Ngā tamariki in Ngā Puawai (children over the age of 2 years) have been focusing on social and emotional competency. This means their skills in using and growing their social skills and also developing their skills in being able to manage big emotions. There have been lots of different experiences on offer to support these skills in play. Sharing, turn taking, negotiating, sharing physical space, offering, waiting and naming their feelings are all ways we have been supporting this focus. 

We have been working on a korowai that will display our room Treaty, which promotes manaakitanga, whānaungatanga and rangatiratanga. We have been talking about what actions we might do to be a good friend and how being responsible for our own actions can have big impacts on others. Social skills is one of our current centre priorities for learning and links with many individual aspirations from our centre whānau for their tamaiti.

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