BestStart Morrinsville goes to the cultural festival

11 October, 2024
BestStart Morrinsville
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In early October, BestStart hosted a cultural festival in Hamilton.

Unfortunately we could not take everybody and we had the very hard decision of choosing who to take on our haerenga (excursion). Our tamariki love learning waiata and practicing and singing them every day. Sometimes we hear them having their own little concerts in the playground which is a great reflection of the way our tamariki connect with the waiata and use them in their imaginative play. 

We loved getting to see a variety of different cutures from other BestStart whaanau and seeing how they celebrate. I gathered a lot of really great ideas and new waiata that we can sing and have a kanikani to in our centre that celebrate the cultures that we have here. 

On the way to Hamilton we played “I spy”, and got a free concert of all the latest pop songs. While at the cultural festival, our tamariki tested their patience and listening as they waited for their turn to go on stage. Our tamariki performed five songs with their hearts proud and voices loud. 

They all did amazing and made our centre so proud! At the end of the festival, we got to all sing Baby Shark together. The tamariki are still buzzing about it. They love singing their waiata.

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