Exploration in BestStart Maui Preschool

21 June, 2024
BestStart Maui Street
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Over term 1 in the preschool room, we have had a fun-filled term of many exciting learning experiences! We have focused on exploration as our topic, exploring working and refining theories and using a range of strategies for reasoning and problem-solving.

We have encouraged and facilitated many group discussions where tamariki make discoveries and work closely together. We have explored science concepts, enhanced literacy and numeracy skills and music and movement; they love waiata and took turns singing their favourites songs on stage. 

Tamariki have an interest in animals so we have explored the life of many strange animals. We explore a different animal each week and our first week was the komodo dragon! Tamariki have had the privilege of gaining their very own bearded dragon which related to our animal of the week. Tamariki and their whānau greet Stumpy (dragons name) every morning and evening. We enjoyed learning in-depth about his species too! We have a set for school lunchbox day where tamariki make lunch and teachers dicuss what school involves and share their thoughts and ideas. 

Through these learning experiences tamariki have gained knowledge and understanding of the world around them and developed confidence and independence.

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