Group & Sensory Play in Te Kakano Room

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Our tamariki love participating in group play experiences, whether they are planned or spontaneous. They are learning to play together with each other cooperatively and in harmony. Our tamariki are also learning to share and take turns, they use gestures and body language to communicate with each other. They explore and discover different ways to be creative, and express their feelings of joy, delight, and wonderment. 

They are engaged in their play and have lots of fun and laughter! For our Sensory Play, our baby tamariki have been very busy exploring and discovering on their own or with their friends and peers. The biggest focus for them is the sand play area. They are engaged for sustained periods of time and it is such a great way to explore with texture and increase their sensory skills. 

Playdough is another wonderful sensory and tactile experience for our young tamariki. It fosters their curiosity, developing an eagerness for them to learn the new and the unfamiliar. Sensory play is very calming and therapeutic for our babies, these include sensory bottles, hand painting, nature, and bubbles just to name a few. Lots of exciting hands-on learning experiences full of fun and laughter.