Manaakitanga and Tauwhirotanga towards our Mōkaikai

2 October, 2024
BestStart Montessori Johnsonville
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At our Montessori centre, our tamariki recently embraced a heartwarming responsibility: taking care of Bentley (a staff members beloved dog), while he recovered from his Splenectomy surgery.

Bentley, known for his gentle nature, became the focus of their care as he rested and healed. Tamariki, eager to help, naturally fell into nurturing roles, showing Manaakitanga (kindness, respect) and Tauwhirotanga (compassion).

They took turns reading stories to Bentley, knowing that the soothing sound of their voices might bring him comfort. Between the pages of books, the children offered him gentle cuddles, making sure he felt loved and safe in his environment. They also ensured Bentley always had fresh water, checking it regularly to support his recovery, often following him around with a bowl and jug of water. 

This experience provided the children with an opportunity to revisit their grace and courtesy skills. They practiced moving quietly and carefully around Bentley, respecting his need for rest. Through this, the children learned the value of empathy and the importance of being considerate toward others—whether it’s their hoa (friends), mōkaikai (pets), or tētahi atu (someone else). 

Bentley's recovery became a shared journey, where the children not only helped him heal but also nurtured their own sense of responsibility, kindness, and grace. It was a beautiful example of Montessori’s emphasis on caring for others and learning through real-life experiences.

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