Celebrating Samoan Language Week at BestStart Mangere East

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At BestStart Mangere East, Samoan Language Week was a joyous celebration filled with vibrant activities and cultural immersion. From the 29th of May to the 4th of June, our center buzzed with excitement as children, staff, and families embraced the rich heritage and traditions of Samoa.

The week began with a special ceremony featuring traditional Samoan dances and songs performed by the children. Each day brought new cultural activities, including storytelling sessions with Samoan legends, traditional arts and crafts, and cooking demonstrations of Samoan cuisine. Our classrooms were adorned with colorful decorations showcasing Samoan culture.

Parents and whanau actively participated, sharing their knowledge and experiences, enriching the children's learning. Special guests from the local Samoan community also joined to inspire the young minds.

By the end of the week, children had learned basic Samoan phrases and gained a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity. Samoan Language Week at BestStart Mangere East was a memorable celebration that strengthened community bonds and honored our collective identity.