Creative Expressions!

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We aim to create a supportive and friendly environment where children can discover different ways to be creative and expressive. This program aligns with one of Te Whāriki's Strand 4 goals of Communication | Mana Reo. We believe that children learn best through active exploration of their environment, and we value play as meaningful learning. We recognize the importance of spontaneous play in fostering children's imagination, invention, and experimentation (the whakaaro me the tūhurahura i the pūtaiao). 

Our Free Expression Day will take place once a month, with a different theme each time. In January, we kicked off with the CRAZY HAIR DAY theme, and we were blown away by the support from our parents and whānau. It was heartwarming to hear stories from parents and children about how they planned and prepared for the event. 

As per the theme of Crazy Hair Day, the children came up with two impressive artworks. They were divided into two groups; boys and girls, and worked together to decorate each other's hairstyles. We were amazed by the creativity of the Tui's creations It was heartwarming to watch the tamariki as they worked on their artworks. 

They giggled with excitement as they added more designs, eagerly anticipating the final result of their collaborative effort. The first theme was a huge success, and we saw the expected learning outcomes in action. 

We can't wait for the next Free Expression Day. Stay tuned for our upcoming themes and join us for a day of fun, creativity, and celebration!