Exploration and Learning through the 16 Areas of Play


At BestStart Manukau, our children are thriving in learning through the 16 areas of play! Children are really enjoying the opportunity to think creatively and take their imagination in different directions through open-ended learning resources. 

Teachers are constantly researching, unpacking, and working towards providing the best learning opportunities towards bringing complexity into play for young children. We can now see children making music with sticks, pots, pans, and steel cups with different volumes of water to achieve different sounds and pitches. 

Over in the sandpit area and the water trough, children have been baking and making soups with water in different colors together with flowers, leaves, sticks, mud, and sand. Through these experiences, the children are able to make connecting links with their families, and their understanding of the wider world is affirmed and extended. They are also able to explore and develop an understanding of the natural, social, physical, and material world. 

Social and communication skills are also enhanced as children play, experiment, and observe. Through their conversations with each other and the curious questions that they ask teachers, we are able to see how they are gathering new information and making sense of it. We would love to welcome you to our amazing centre 'BestStart Manukau' where young tamariki enjoy learning about the world around them through open-ended exploration opportunities and where we recognize and celebrate their development.