This term, our infant room, Te Rūma Kākano, has been going on excursions to our local library where...
Tamariki at BestStart Lemon Street love messy play! Our teachers set up a play station with trucks a...
After reading a story that sparked the interest of our tamariki, we decided to make medicine out of...
Celebrating Waitangi Day at BestStart Lemon Street
Te Rūma Rākau takes an adventure walk out in the local community to watch the Americarna cars in a c...
We had fireman Chris come to visit us from the New Plymouth West Volunteer Fire Brigade.
As a part of our school holiday programme, BestStart Lemon Street had a wheels day.
We had the most delicious breakfast which was enjoyed by families, friends, whanau, and teachers ra...
In the Ruma Pōtiki at BestStart Lemon Street we enjoy exploring the concepts of science, literacy an...
We are so lucky to have a brand-new outdoor play space in the Ruma Potiki at BestStart Lemon Street
Our tamariki develop an understanding of sustainability by learning about reducing, re-using and re...
Children at BestStart Lemon Street had so much of fun during PJ day